Active Principles / Principi Attivi
Date: from 28 April 2020 - ongoing
In this period of emergency and uncertainty, in which the Covid-19 virus poses urgent health, economic and social issues, the teaching and research activity of the Faculty of Law does not stand still. In this weekly section, scholars of the Faculty and foreign guests will provide frames of reference to orientate ourselves to the major legal and institutional themes that animate the current context: these are short ideas, "active principles", conceived to stimulate and cultivate collective sensitivity and to spread awareness of the many tools that legal interpretation can offer.
The presentations, in Italian or English, will be uploaded online according to the calendar provided on this web page.
Latest presentations
Tuesday 7 July 2020
Student Representatives of the Faculty of Law - University of Trento
La carta dei diritti e dei doveri delle studentesse e degli studenti
Previous presentations
Friday 24 April 2020
Daria de Pretis - Judge of the Italian Constitutional Court
Costituzione e pandemia - link to video
Carlo Casonato - University of Trento
Salute - link to video
Tuesday 28 April 2020
Luisa Antoniolli - University of Trento
Unione Europea - link to video
Antonino Alì - University of Trento
National security and Covid-19 - link to video
Tuesday 5 May 2020
Paolo Guarda - University of Trento
Privacy - link to video
Elena Ioriatti - University of Trento
Language - link to video
Tuesday 12 May 2020
Riccardo Salomone - University of Trento
Lavoro - link to video
Sybe de Vries - University of Utrecht
European Law - link to video
Tuesday19 May 2020
Silvana Dalla Bontà - University of Trento
Pandemia e Giustizia Civile complementare alla Giurisdizione - link to video
Elisabetta Pederzini - University of Trento
Assemblea - link to video
Tuesday 26 May 2020
Nicola Lugaresi - University of Trento
Comunità - link to video
Federico Puppo - University of Trento
Giustizia - link to video
Wednesday 3 June 2020
Donata Borgonovo Re - University of Trento
Necessità e urgenza - link to video
Erminia Camassa - University of Trento
Libertà religiosa ai tempi della pandemia - link to video
Tuesday 9 June 2020
Alessio Claroni - University of Trento
Trasporti e Covid-19 - link to video
Sabrina Di Maria - University of Trento
Civismo - link to video
Tuesday 16 June 2020
Gabriella Di Paolo - Università di Trento
Giustizia penale ai tempi della pandemia - link to video
Roger Brownsword - King's College London
Technological Solutions and the "New Normal" - link to video
Tuesday 23 June 2020
Gabriele Fornasari - University of Trento
Scudo Penale - link to video
Teresa Pasquino - University ofTrento
Covid e Autoresponsabilità - link to video
Tuesday 30 June 2020
Ivan Cardillo - University of Trento
Il nuovo Codice Civile cinese - link to video
Anicée Van Engeland - Cranfield University
Islam and Covid-19 - link to video