Administrative simplification and anti-corruption activities: coexistence is possible

13 June 2019
13 June 2019

Where: Aula 1, Law building – via Rosmini 27, Trento


9.00  Opening and welcome addresses 

  • Paolo Collini, Rector of the University of Trento
  • Fulvio Cortese, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento

9.30 General introduction

  • Raffaele Cantone, president of the National Anti-Corruption Authority

10.15  The different aspects of simplification with respect to anti-corruption activities

Chair: Barbara Marchetti, full professor of administrative law, University of Trento

  • The evolution of anti-corruption practices from the point of view of regulatory simplification
    Marco Bombardelli, full professor of administrative law, University of Trento
  • The impact of anti-corruption legislation on administrative activities, and demands for simplification
    Nicoletta Parisi, member of the Board of the National Anti-Corruption Authority
  • The impact of anti-corruption legislation on the organization of administrative services, and demands for simplification 
    Alessandra Pioggia, full professor of administrative law, University of Perugia

12.00: comments from the audience and discussion

12.30: lunch break

14.00  Round table

Public administrations and monitoring authorities: which strategies to prevent corruption by promoting simplification? 

Chair and moderator: Fulvio Cortese, full professor of administrative law, University of Trento 

  • The control functions of the Court of Audit in preventing corruption practices
    Anna Maria Rita Lentini, president of the Sezione di controllo, Corte dei conti Trentino Alto Adige, Trento 
  • The complexity of anti-corruption measures required by universities and possible simplification strategies
    Vincenzo Tedesco, director general of the University of Camerino, member of the anti-corruption and transparency working group of Codau (Conference of the General Directors of University Administrations) 
  • The use of information technology for the implementation of anti-corruption measures and the simplification of procedures: difficulties and perspectives in the Autonomous Province of  Trento
    Cristiana Pretto, chief executive of the Autonomous Province of Trento (Unità di Missione Strategica Semplificazione e Digitalizzazione)
  • Difficulties and opportunities offered by anti-corruption measures at the level of local bodies: simplifying requirements and procedures to improve services and the effectiveness of corruption prevention policies
    Chiara Morandini, chief executive of the Municipality of Trento (dirigente Generale, Comune di Trento)
  • Corruption and administrative risk management in the management of processes in view of simplification
    Agnese L. Morelli, head of corruption prevention at APSS (Provincial Healthcare Services) 
  • Problems with anti-corruption requirements in accounting and expenditure procedures: simplification through the harmonization of notifications to several bodies
    Elisabetta Endrici, head of the Planning, Reporting and Purchasing Directorate of the University of Trento

16.00: comments from the audience and discussion

16.30 Conclusions

  • Francesco Merloni, member of the Board of the National Anti-Corruption Authority

Scientific Committee:

  • Marco Bombardelli, University of Trento
  • Elisabetta Endrici, University of Trento
  • Nicoletta Parisi, ANAC

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Communication Staff – Trento

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