Celebrating 20 years of the School of International Studies
This year marks 20 years since the creation of the School of International Studies as an inter-departmental graduate school, and 10 years since its transformation into a full-fledged Center of the University of Trento.
These two decades have seen the School grow in terms of degrees, staff and research, almost beyond recognition and we take pride in our collective achievements. The School is and always has been a thriving, evolving community.
In 2021 the SIS became the first and only Italian institution to become an affiliate member of APSIA, the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs.
Join us on 9th and 10th June to celebrate these remarkable 20 years. Let’s look ahead to the next 20, together.
To celebrate its main achievements and reflect on the future challenges, the School organizes a two-day event to look back at the original intuition leading to its creation, discuss the added value it brings to the University, the city of Trento and the region, and to reflect on the current states of international and European studies.
Thursday, June 9th 2022
10:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Palazzo Paolo Prodi
La Scuola di Studi Internazionali tra Passato e Futuro (session in Italian)
- Stefano Schiavo (Direttore, Scuola di Studi Internazionali)
Saluti istituzionali
- Università di Trento
- Comune di Trento
- Provincia autonoma di Trento
Dal disegno originario alla governance attuale:
- Massimo Egidi (già Rettore dell'Università di Trento)
- Lorenzo Dellai (già Presidente della Provincia Autonoma di Trento)
- Paolo Collini (già Rettore dell'Università di Trento, già Direttore della Scuola di Studi Internazionali)
Tavola Rotonda sulle Prospettive Future della SSI:
- Flavio Deflorian (Rettore, Università di Trento)
- Assessore all’istruzione, università e cultura (Provincia autonoma di Trento)
- Camilla Lunelli (Gruppo Lunelli, Trento; Componente del Comitato di Indirizzo SSI)
- Alice Rubini (Ambasciata d’Italia, Bucarest; Componente del Comitato di Indirizzo SSI)
15:00 – 17:00 - Auditorium, Palazzo Paolo Prodi
Conferral of the 'Bruno Kessler' Honorary Professorship on Anne-Marie Slaughter (Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor Emerita of Politics and International Affair - Princeton University; CEO of New America)
- Stefano Schiavo (Director, School of International Studies)
- Luisa Antoniolli (SIS and Faculty of Law, University of Trento)
Presentation of the 'Bruno Kessler' Honorary Professorship on Anne-Marie Slaughter:
- Flavio Deflorian (Rector, University of Trento)
Lectio Magistralis:
- Anne-Marie Slaughter, “Beyond Transnationalism: People and Planet Centered Global Politics"
Friday, June 10th 2022
09:00 – 10:00 - Room 004, Palazzo Paolo Prodi
Keynote speech:
- Andrew M. Moravcsik (Princeton University), “More Bark than Bite? Why Extreme Right Populists Have so Little Impact on Democratic Foreign Policy”
Chair: Carlo Ruzza (SIS and Dpt. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento)
10:30 –12:30 - Room 004, Palazzo Paolo Prodi
Roundtable: The Future of Europe as a Global Actor
Chair: Andrea Fracasso (SIS and Dpt. of Economics and Management, University of Trento)
- Sondra Faccio (SIS and Faculty of Law, University of Trento)
- Sebastian Oberthür (Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussels)
- Malorie Schaus (Centre for European Policy Studies - CEPS, Brussels)
- Vít Střítecký (Charles University Prague)
- Umberto Tulli (SIS and Dpt. of Humanities, University of Trento)
15:00 – 17:30 - Room 004, Palazzo Paolo Prodi
SIStories: Alumni and Alumnae meet current students
- Boglarka Fenyvesi-Kiss (Provincia Autonoma di Trento - MEIS, 2006)
- Maddalena Dalì (European Commission - MEIS, 2007)
- Sergio Zanotti (Noovle - MEIS, 2008)
- Emma Mitrotta (Provincia Autonoma di Trento - MEIS, 2009; PhD 2019)
- Federica Cittadino (EURAC - MEIS, 2009; PhD 2017)
- Serena Natile (Warwick University - MEIS, 2010)
- Tommaso Milani (EUI and Johns Hopkins SAIS Europe - MEIS, 2012)
- Alice Rubini (Ministero degli Affari Esteri - MEIS, 2012)
- Donata Taddia (SCORE Sports Think Action Tank - MEIS, 2013)
- Gaetano De Lisa (INTERSOS - MEIS, 2013)
- Luana Moresco (Fondazione Megalizzi - MEIS, 2016)
- Erika Marzano (Deutsche Welle - MEIS, 2017)
- Cristian Stroia (CEPS - MEIS, 2018)
- Paolo Recaldini (China Chamber of Commerce to the EU - MISS, 2018)
- Federica Megalizzi (European Commission; Fondazione Megalizzi - MISS, 2018)
- Marianna Ciccolella (Accenture - MISS, 2019)
- Ginevra Fontana (Diplomatische Akademie Wien - MISS, 2019)
Live streaming
The events will be lived-streamed: https://www.youtube.com/