Conference / Meeting

A discordant dynamic: exploring federalism and individual rights

EURAC SIS Annual Lecture on Federalism
19 May 2022
Start time 
12:30 pm
Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Room 006
School of International Studies
Target audience: 


The under-theorized relationship between federalism and individual rights presents a clear tension: Federalism presupposes a commitment to diversity that can extend even to moral principle, but the guarantee of individual rights implies a shared goal of devising uniform protections that do not vary by geography. In this lecture, Professor Delaney will identify notes of discord between federalism and rights, with particular focus on the challenge as presented in the United States. She will also explore various approaches to reconciliation by drawing on broader comparative examples.


Erin Delaney - Northwestern University, Chicago, USA


Erin F. Delaney is Professor of Law with a courtesy appointment in the Department of Political Science at Northwestern University. Her scholarship explores constitutionalism in comparative perspective, focusing on federalism and judicial design. She was named the 2022 Federal Scholar in Residence at Eurac Research’s Institute for Comparative Federalism in Bolzano, Italy

Blog piece on Eurac Research Science Blogs: 'Courts, Rights, and Federal Constitutionalism'