Net-2016 - III International Workshop

December 16-17
16 December 2016
17 December 2016

Net-2016, III International Workshop on Network Models in Statistics, Economics and Social Sciences

School of International Studies, University of Trento


The aim of the workshop is to gather ongoing research on network models, algorithms and applications in the fields of Statistics, Economics, Political and Social Sciences. 

Please find here below a non-exhaustive list of welcome topics:

  • Applications of network models in international trade, finance (banks, insurances, etc.), political systems, social actors;
  • Network structures and their outcome on systemic stability, resilience and contagion effects;
  • Algorithms for clustering and community detection in network data; 
  • Calculation and application of centrality measures;
  • Dynamic network simulation, for example using cellular automata or partial difference equations;
  • New statistics for network analysis;
  • Inference and regression on network data;
  • Models of network formation and network growth;
  • Connections between game theory and network models.

Due to interdisciplinary nature of the workshop, formal contributions should stress their applicability, while substantial findings should suggest new directions of formal research.


Participation to the workshop is free;
Participants are requested to register their participation in order to organize common activities (e.g. coffee breaks, social dinner, etc.). 

Abstract sumission

  • Abstract (max 1000 words) should be sent directly to Stefano Benati: stefano.benati [at] (subject: Net-2016) (email)
  • Deadline: November 15, 2016
  • Author notification: November 18, 2016


In the Accommodation-2016 (download section) you will find a list of hotels which have a special tariff discount agreement with the University of Trento; just mention the event you are coming to.

Please be aware: December 16 and 17 is a very busy turist time in Trento, therefore book your hotel in advance.

Organizing Committee

Stefano Benati: stefano.benati [at] (subject: Net-2016) (email)
Stefano Schiavo: stefano.schiavo [at] (subject: Net-2016) (email)
