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Conference / Meeting

Delivering on the European Green Deal: Governing the Climate Transition beyond Emission Reductions

Guest Lecture Series - GreenDealNET
28 March 2023
Start time 
2:15 pm
Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Room 001
School of International Studies
Target audience: 


The transition to climate stabilization implies a long-lasting, sustained policy effort and a societal transformation that goes far beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero. It requires a suitable EU governance framework for planning, decision-making, implementation, monitoring and review, as well as public participation and mobilisation. Such a framework must empower democratic European societies to take ownership of the climate transition and effectively and fairly address the climate challenge. The lecture will review the EU’s existing climate governance framework in this respect and identify major options for making it fully fit for realizing the climate transition.


Sebastian Oberthür - Brussels School of Governance VUB


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Oberthür is the Co-Director of the Research Centre for Environment, Economy and Energy, and a Professor for Environment and Sustainable Development at the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG). He is also a Professor of Environmental Policy and Law at the Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law at the University of Eastern Finland. He has extensive expertise on European and international environmental governance, policy and law, including climate governance, with an emphasis on institutional issues and perspectives.