Conference / Meeting

Europe: Today's Challenges and Tomorrow's Prospects

Rotari Annual Lecture and Master's Thesis Award Ceremony, ©Grecaud Paul
28 November 2023
Start time 
2:15 pm
Palazzo di Economia - Via Inama 5, Trento
Sala Conferenze
School of International Studies (SIS) and Rotari TrentoDoc
Target audience: 

Welcome Address

  • Stefano Schiavo - Direttore della Scuola di Studi Internazionali - Università di Trento
  • Luca Rigotti - Presidente Gruppo Mezzacorona

Rotari TrentoDoc Master’s Thesis Award Ceremony

Governing the Environment: Policy Discourses, Strategies and the Case of the EU's Circular Economy

  • Valentina Toso - Laurea Magistrale in European and International Studies (MEIS)

Rotari Annual Lecture

Europe: Today's Challenges and Tomorrow's Prospects

  • Ambassador Michele Valensise - President of the Italian-German Center for European Dialogue "Villa Vigoni", former Secretary General of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Ambassador to Sarajevo, Brasilia, Berlin


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