Complex Diversity: EU Mobility and Integration Challenges in times of crisis

22 May 2015
May 22, 2015

Location: Department of Sociology and Social Research - Sala Professori, first floor

Europe finds itself in a time of turmoil and crisis. Western societies have seen their growth models stall and, in some cases, fall into decline resulting in serious social and demographic challenges. In this workshop, we explore the changing patterns of mobility in Europe within the context of financial crisis and the challenges it poses to the cohesion of the European social space.

The overall question to be addressed is how the Europe of free movement is transformed in relation to a new dynamic intra-EU migration and contestations of EU citizenship.

Participants of the workshop have investigated changing patterns of EU mobility from different angles: from the perspective of the receiving countries: Scandinavia and UK and from the perspective of the sending countries: Greece, Italy and Spain.

The aim of the workshop is to facilitate comparison, exchange of information and cooperation between these different research projects. This is done with a view of promoting further comparative analysis and creating research capacities for future project cooperation.


  • Laura Bartolini, European University Institute, Florence
  • Verena Braendle, University of Copenhagen
  • Neriman Deniz Duru, University of Copenhagen
  • Asimina Michailidou, Arena, University of Oslo
  • Gropas Roubini, European University Institute, Florence
  • Justyna Salamonska, European University Institute, Florence
  • Daniela Vintila, University of Leicester


  • Carlo Ruzza, University of Trento
  • Hans-Jörg Trenz, University of Copenhagen

School of international Studies
Via Tommaso Gar, 14 - Trento
+39 0461283125

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