EU Sanctions against the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran in a comparative perspective

EUREGIO International Conference - 20 September 2019
20 September 2019

Room 111 - Palazzo Paolo Prodi, via Tommaso Gar, 14 Trento

In the framework of EUREGIO Mobility IV project, the School of International Studies, the Free University of Bolzano and the University of Innbruck, jointly convene the International Conference

EU Sanctions against the Russian Federation  and the Islamic Republic of Iran in a comparative perspective

09.15 Opening remarks                   

Prof. Andrea Fracasso, Director of the School of International Studies

Prof. Antonino Alì, Coordinator of the Euregio Project “RussiaIranSanctions”        

First session      

Chair Prof. Peter Hilpold, University of Innsbruck

09.30 Economic sanctions and general international law obligations. The effects of sanctions on the investments in Crimea/Ukraine/Russia - Prof. Marco Pertile, University of Trento - Dott.ssa Sondra Faccio, University of Trento
10.00 The European Union and the use of sanctions - Prof. Marco Gestri, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia  
Coffee Break           
10.45 EU Sanctions against Russia and Iran in a comparative perspective - Prof.  Antonino Alì, University of Trento
11.15 The role of the Comitato di sicurezza finanziaria (CSF) in the implementation of sanctions in Italy - Dott.ssa  Giuseppina Pellicanò – Comitato di Sicurezza Finanziaria – MEF – Dipartimento del Tesoro
11.45 The Italian practice in the implementation of international targeted sanctions - Dott.ssa Elena Carpanelli, University of Parma
Lunch Break  

Second Session        

Chair Prof. Antonino Alì, University of Trento

14.30 Companies' risk assessment in a world of disruption - Dott. Marco Piredda, Senior Vice President, Eni - International Affairs MENA, Americas, Asia Pacific
15.00 Addressing the challenges posed by international economic sanctions: a practitioner's perspective - Avv. Marco Padovan, Studio Legale Padovan, Milano-Roma
15.30 The European Union blocking statute and Instex - Dr. Richard Roeder, Gibson Dunn, Munich
Coffee Break  
16.15 The political impact of sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran  - Dr. Pejman Abdolmohammadi, University of Trento 
16.45 How effective are international sanctions against Russia/Iran ? - Prof. Francesco Giumelli, University of Groningen


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