European Summer School on Cold War History
The partner institutions of the European Summer School on Cold War History are jointly convening the eighth edition of the school at University of Vienna, Austria 8-10 September 2016.
The Summer School is a unique conference specifically for PhD students and early career researchers to discuss the effects of the Cold War in the fields of politics, culture, and diplomacy, to name only a few.
The School consists of workshops and panel sessions focused on submitted research papers, debates on historiographical and methodology, as well as practical sessions on publishing and academic careers. The school offers an informal atmosphere in which new ideas and research directions can be shared and debated, be it in panel sessions, or over coffee and meals.
The school has a very high student to faculty ratio (2:1) allowing participants to have in depth discussions about their research with established scholars in the field. The faculty includes prominent scholars, among others:
- Sara Lorenzini (Università di Trento)
- Kaeten Mistry (University of East Anglia)
- Piers Ludlow (LSE)
- Leopoldo Nuti (Università Roma Tre)
- Mario Del Pero (Sciences Po)
- Silvio Pons (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
- Oliver Rathkolb (Universität Wien)
- Federico Romero (EUI)
- Antonio Varsori (Università di Padova)
- Vladislav Zubok (LSE)
PhD students and early career researchers (no more than 3 years from PhD completion) are invited to submit proposals. We encourage submissions on any aspect of the Cold War, broadly defined. Of particular interest are papers that make use of newly available primary sources and innovative methodologies.
Application Guidance
PhD students and early career researchers (no more than three years from PhD completion) are invited to submit proposals. We encourage submissions on any aspect of the Cold War, broadly defined. Of particular interest are papers that make use of newly available primary sources and innovative methodologies.
Papers should not exceed 7,000 words (including citations in Chicago style).
At the School, each participant will give a 15-minute presentation (in English) followed by discussion with the faculty and students.
The best paper will be given the opportunity to publish in the Cold War History journal.
Applicants should submit a 300 word abstract and a brief academic CV in a single PDF document and in English, with the file titled as your surname. The CV must make clear the applicants' nationality and stage of PhD or research.
Please send these to coldwarsummerschoolcoldwarsummerschool [at] (coldwarsummerschool [at] by 30 April 2016.
Please note in the subject line of your email "CW Summer School 2016-YourLastName".
Please note that preference is given to those who have not previously attended.
Please note that there is a € 200 euro registration fee, which will cover accommodation and meals for the duration of the conference.