Bursting and cool slowly rotating stellar zombies
Prof. Nanda Rea, research professor for the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya
Pulsars are unique astronomical laboratories where the most extreme gravity and electromagnetism can be probed. The study of these objects transcends the traditional astrophysical approach and requires a multidisciplinary effort that spans from particle and nuclear physics to astrophysics, from experiment to theory, from gravitational waves to the electromagnetic spectrum. I will review in this seminar what pulsars are, their observational characteristics, as well as recent important discoveries in the field concerning extremely cold pulsars, and new puzzling radio periodic bursters that challenge classical pulsar emission and evolution theories.
Online Attendance
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7050444609?pwd=enRnVUtUaTlYMXZLTmtiT2tybXBGZz09
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