Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Discontinuation of @alumni.unitn.it and @ex-studenti.unitn.it email address

These addresses were automatically assigned to UniTrento graduates and former students

Versione stampabile

On 1 February 2022 the @alumni.unitn.it and @ex-studenti.unitn.it email addresses will be discontinued as a result of Google's new pricing policies on its education services.

On that day, the email addresses automatically assigned to graduates ("Alumni") and former students will be discontinued.

By 1 February 2022, holders of @alumni.unitn.it addresses can:

These changes only affect the @alumni.unitn.it and @ex-studenti.unitn.it email addresses and Google apps. The username and password of UniTrento profiles will remain unchanged, so users will still have access to other UniTrento online services (e.g. ESSE3) even if they no longer are members of the University.

The email addresses of the @studenti.unitn.it type will not be affected, and will continue to exist for 180 more days after you have ceased to be a student of UniTrento (when you graduate or terminate your studies), after which you will no longer have access to Gmail and to the other Google apps reserved to the current University community (e.g. Drive).

For more information visit the dedicated page.