Thursday, 10 March 2022

Speqk: quantum physics at Expo 2020 Dubai

A promising startup from the work of the joint Q@TN laboratory

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Communication must be secure, but that is not enough. The data of the transmission must be encoded so that they cannot be decrypted even in the unfortunate case they are intercepted. The importance of secure communication does not involve only intelligence and security services, it is about millions of operations and transactions that take place every day.

For this reason, a group of researchers of Q@TN of UniTrento has patented a device, a technology that exploits quantum physics by limiting as much as possible the problems typically associated with its use. "With quantum technologies we can create complex codes, random keys, protocols capable of generating unpredictable sequences of numbers – explained Nicolò Leone, PhD student at Q@TN and team leader of the Speqk project. A high level of security that we have achieved by avoiding the most common problems that you encounter when you use quantum technologies, creating an affordable, compact, lightweight and low-power device".

The patent filed by Speqk, the startup and incubator established to take advantage of this idea, was selected months ago during the Intellectual Property Award (IPA) of the Ministry of Economic Development (Mise) and was presented days ago at Expo Dubai, where it attracted some interest for its great potential for development and implementation and its marketability.

"Our invention – continued Leone – can adapt quantum secure technology to consumer level applications for daily use, through a process that starts from any light source (laser, LEDs, light bulbs) and uses a simple linear optical system, based on a source that can be manufactured in large volumes and at low cost". The participants in Expo Dubai of course noticed the high rate of innovation and commercial opportunities of Spekq, which could find its place in the consumer electronics sector, for example in the smartphone industry.