Wednesday, 13 July 2022

UniCittà: projects that range from security to climate

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The collaboration and relationships between the City and the University communities have become much stronger since the two signed the first memorandum of understanding in 2016.

And the two institutions renew the memorandum every year, by taking stock of progress made and adopting a new plan of activities that, for 2022, was presented today at Palazzo Geremia by Rector Flavio Deflorian and Mayor Franco Ianeselli.

One of the actions included in the plan is Trento SìCura, a project that aims to promote sustainable security based on the most advanced data and interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of security sciences and crime, and the research and communication work carried out by the Municipal Student Council on the night life in the city. Another project is Fast, for the redevelopment of urban spaces of access to the local transportation service. Nutrire Trento, the longest-running project among those created within UniCittà, will continue with actions that aim to make food production and consumption more sustainable.

To ensure continuity with the previous plan, Database per il territorio, a new project, proposes a new methodological approach to reprocess data on tourism and the condition of children and adolescents.

A number of new actions are focused specifically on sustainability and mobility, such as the Infrastrutture urbane blu e verdi project (Blue and Green Urban Infrastructures project), for the identification and mapping of city areas that can be valorized now that the zoning plan has been updated; and the City Climate Monitoring project, for the installation of a network of micro meteorological stations around town to build a detailed database on the city's climate and organize an event on mobility in the fall, on the initiative of a document drawn up by the Student Council.

Other new projects aim to increase student participation proposing topics for doctoral research in support of the public administration and the launch of a new challenge on the Urban Plan for Sustainable Mobility within the European network of innovative universities - Eciu. In the area of well-being and community, in particular, the first phase of the project on the City's gender budget has just started, to define possible strategies to achieve a better gender balance.

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