Thursday, 23 February 2023

Opportunities for students and faculty at the Italo-French University

The deadline to apply is 21 April 2023, 12.00

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The Italo-French University - Université Franco Italienne (UIF/UFI) has published the following announcements:

  • Call for Visiting Scholars 2023, to financially support Italian universities that would like to welcome scholars or professionals from French universities, research centres or companies in the academic years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025. 
    More Information
  • The Italian-French Chairs 2023, a programme that aims to promote cooperation between Italian and French universities through visiting scholars, mobility opportunities for students, and events and seminars, in the academic years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025. 
    More information

The deadline to submit applications is 21 April 2023, 12.00.

Contact details:
Università Italo Francese
Università degli Studi di Torino
Direzione Innovazione e Internazionalizzazione 
Area Internazionalizzazione - Sezione Relazioni Internazionali e Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Complesso Aldo Moro, Palazzina D - Stanza 2A
Via Sant'Ottavio 12/B, Torino 
Tel: +39 011 670 4427/9615