Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Nicola Zanella named new head of the Information Systems, Services and Technologies Directorate

He will take office by 15 April and replace Andrea Mongera, who reached retirement age

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Trentino-born Nicola Zanella, 48, is the new director of the Information Systems, Services and Technologies Directorate of the University of Trento.

University staff learned of the designation today from the director-general, Alex Pellacani.

The University had opened a selection procedure for the position in October in view of the coming retirement of Andrea Mongera, who has been working for the University for 35 years with dedication and professionalism.

Nicola ZanellaNicola Zanella will take office by 15 April within a 3 year mandate that can be renewed.

Zanella studied electronics and telecommunications in high school at ITIS Marconi in Rovereto, then earned a degree in Computer science from Politecnico in Milan, where he completed his studies with a Master in Business Administration and ICT Governance.

His professional career progressed through a series of technical and organizational positions in ICT and other sectors, and he succeeded in opening new business areas. He participated in the development of Industria Rotografica Atesina, IRA Servizi & Web and of Gruppo Selecta; at Informatica Trentina SpA, he was head of the Methodologies and Instruments Division, and held the position of Service Level and Catalogue Manager.

His last position was as director of Innovation and Digital Services at the Municipality of Trento, leading a 60-member staff in IT, protocol, archive, notifications and shipments. At the City of Trento, he implemented the digital transformation in synergy with different local institutions and organizations, he adopted national digital platforms like SPID, PagoPA, ANPR, started the cloud migration, consolidated the digitization of processes and procedures and extended the range of digital services available to citizens and businesses.

His work as head of ICT at the Municipality of Trento culminated with the organization of the Trento Smart City week, which lit up the city with workshops and other technology-dedicated events and launched new digital solutions.

The Information Systems, Services and Technologies Directorate, whose headquarters are in a pink building in via Briamasco, is a complex directorate with more than 70 staff members in four divisions (BackOffice Services; Technological Services and Infrastructure; Users Services; Information Systems Divisions) that have different tasks.

The directorate is responsible for managing and updating the University’s information systems to support teaching, research and administrative tasks.

The directorate promotes the most efficient use of new technologies, oversees ICT services in the three University hubs (City, hill of Trento and Rovereto) and provides assistance and support to users. In compliance with plans adopted by the University administration, it ensures the constant development and update of information systems, allows users to employ advanced technologies and to access applications, information and services; encourages the acquisition and the efficient use of ICT infrastructure and technologies.

The directorate serves as a liaison for its different branches and facilitates and promotes the integration of the activities of the other University directorates.