Friday, 7 February 2020

10 February, Giorno del ricordo

National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe

Versione stampabile

Celebrating this Memorial Day means to relive a terrible Italian tragedy, that marks the passage from World War II to the beginning of the Cold War. A dark chapter in national and international history that caused death, suffering, and innocent lives. […] That tragedy is a wound today for the Italian people, who look at the past with suffering, sorrow, solidarity and respect for the innocent victims that have long been ignored.

Sergio Mattarella

Italy established the National Memorial Day, Giorno del ricordo, with law no. 92 of 30 March 2004 to hand down the memory of all the victims of Foibe massacres, of the exodus from Istria, Fiume/Rijeka and Dalmatia after World War Two, and of the more complex situation on the Eastern border.

The chosen date is 10 February as the day in which the peace treaties were signed in Paris in 1947, defining new borders after the conflict.