Wednesday, 10 June 2020

First-level Master’s Degree in Management of Social Enterprises - academic year 2020-2021

Deadline to apply: 12 October – 12.00

Versione stampabile

Applications are now open for the First-level Master’s Degree in Management of Social Enterprises (GIS Master) - academic year 2020-2021.

The purpose of the GIS master is to create new “social managers” able to understand the complexities of the economic and social context and to operate within it with the efficiency and efficacy that are typical of the business world and a collective well-being perspective, combining economic sustainability and social integration.

The GIS Master is made up of 6 months of lessons and a 5-month internship.

The GIS Master is open to graduate students with a Bachelor’s degree (laurea triennale) or a Master’s degree (laurea magistrale). Students with degrees in economics, law and social or political science have the ideal background.

However, the GIS Master will offer excellent education also to students with degrees in humanities or other discipline areas, provided they will acquire the required knowledge in other subjects through their participation in extra lessons (Percorsi di azzeramento) that will take place during the in-class training.

To participate in the selection procedure for the GIS master, students must hold the following qualifications:

  • Laurea triennale, magistrale, specialistica  (a bachelor’s or master’s degree);
  • Laurea vecchio ordinamento (a degree awarded by an Italian university under laws previously in force);
  • A foreign degree (equivalent to the above).

The selection procedure is open also to students who will obtain their qualification before 31 December 2020. Those who pass the admission test will be put on the list of enrolled students “waiting for confirmation”, until the award of the degree.

Applications must be submitted through the online application form by 12.00 of 12 October 2020.

For further information visit the Master's website.