Friday, 6 May 2016

SCODEM - a master of science for experts in smart communities

Second edition

Versione stampabile

ScoDeM is a new Master of Science for graduates in scientific and engineering topics, as well as for graduates in humanities and social sciences, interested in new technologies and their impact.

The Smart Community Design and Management Master of Science is organized by the Department of Information engineering and science, within the framework of the national project “Smart Cities, Smart Communities and Social Innovation".

The course is designed to train Smart Community Experts, capable to design and manage online user communities (individuals or collective) working on socially sensitive projects.  They will have different backgrounds (from computer science to humanities and social sciences) sharing a multidisciplinary approach to the use of new technologies and their interest in the local territory and the relations with the involved people and institutions.

SCODEM aims to provide participants with expertise in the field of technological design in relation to the carrying out of activation and community development projects and to the management and the strengthening of online and physical communities through an interdisciplinary combination of technology, design and relationship expertise.

SCODEM lasts one year and its official language is English. It will start in September 2016 and finish by the end of August 2017.