Monday, 15 June 2020

New software for Trentino libraries

Versione stampabile

All libraries that are members of Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino will adopt a new software in July for the management of queries, acquisitions, cataloguing, loans.

Between 30 June and 26 July, while migrating data from the current database (Amicus) to the new software (Alma), some services will be suspended, and specifically:

  • new library cards and renewals;
  • new subscriptions to MediaLibraryOnLine (MLOL);
  • acquisitions and cataloguing. 

The following services will continue as usual:

  • loans;
  • interlibrary loans;
  • reservations. 

On 27 July, when the new software will be implemented, all services will be back to normal but there may still be some disruptions.

We apologize for any inconvenience.