Monday, 7 September 2020

Shift: the research on natural materials for biotechnologies continues

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DII’s research on biotechnologies and natural materials for use in Tissue Engineering experiences another success thanks to the EU’s approval of project MSCA-RISE SHIFT. This project, that will be coordinated by prof. Antonella Motta, is the successor to project REMIX which began in 2017 and is now entering its final year. In addition to prof. Motta, DII professors Devid Maniglio, Sandra Dirè and Francesco Parrino will be involved.

The members of the SHIFT Consortium are the Universities of Minho (Portugal) and Birmingham (UK) in the EU and Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), MUST (Mongolia), National University of Malaysia, Jeonbuk National University (South Korea) and University of Sydney (Australia) in the Asia-Pacific Regio.