Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Golden Laissez-Passer awarded by garagErasmus Foundation

The Passport of the Erasmus Generation that gives you the chance to win 3.000€ to invest in your dreams

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garagErasmus (gE) is a creative hub of the Erasmus Generation that aims at supporting the shaping of a new Europe. gE pursues its mission through the matching of demand and supply of international jobs, by fostering social initiatives and helping ​the creation of new start-ups.

garagErasmus has just launched off the “Golden Laissez-Passer – The passport of the Erasmus Generation”. Every current and former exchange student will be able to apply for the Golden Laissez-Passer and compete for the title of "Erasmus Talent of the year" alongside a grant of 3.000€, which he/she can use for financial support of their future mobility projects or development of the innovative ideas.

The 6 finalists that on the 15th of May, 2019, will gather the highest number of votes on our platform, will be invited to the final night in Malaga on the 6th of June as guests of garagErasmus Foundation, to present their idea to all the Universities members of garagErasmus and that will select the final winner!

You can apply here: http://www.garagerasmus.org/golden-lp-2019.html

Deadline: 15th May 2019