The results of the second edition of the Brett William Campbell Doctoral Thesis Prize in International Studies have been published!
This international prize for recently defended PhD theses in international studies was awarded to Dr Giulia Ciliberto for her thesis on “Violations of socio-economic rights in contexts of sovereign debt crisis. An international law perspective in the aftermath of the Eurozone turmoil”. As part of the award ceremony, Dr Ciliberto will present her work at the School of International Studies on 9 May 2023.
Dr Ciliberto (PhD in Economic Law, University of Naples Federico II, 2021) is a Research Fellow in International Law at the University of Cagliari. In 2021, she was Research Fellow in International Law at the CNR-IRISS (Naples). She is currently a reporter for the Oxford Reports on International Human Rights Law (OUP), and a member of the key staff of the Jean Monnet Module “EULab”. She is also a member of the Territorial Commission for International Protection of Cagliari, where she acts as a UNHCR-appointed Independent Expert. Between 2016 and 2019, she provided free legal assistance to asylum seekers and (un)documented migrants in Italy and Greece.
The Brett William Campbell Doctoral Thesis Prize is co-financed by the University of Trento and it stems from the initiative of a group of PhD alumni of the School of International Studies to honour the memory of their dear friend and colleague Brett William Campbell. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, on 27 July 1979, Brett was admitted to the PhD programme in International Studies at the University of Trento in 2012. His work focussed on U.S. counterterrorism and the Drone War. He left us prematurely on 29 July 2018 - a witty mind, generous friend and curious traveller, Brett will be deeply missed.