Basic principles of Challenge-Based Learning (CBL)

11 March 2021
11 March 2021

4 - 6 PM (CET)

ECIU University (The European Consortium of Innovative Universities) is one of the 41 Alliances of European Universities selected as part of the Erasmus + program which brings together thirteen universities, including the University of Trento, united by their marked international openness, quality and innovation in teaching and research and the connection with the business world.

The ECIU University aims to create a revolutionary and innovative educational model on a European scale, in which students, researchers, companies, public organizations and citizens work together to find innovative solutions that have a positive and solid impact on society. 

ECIU makes Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) the new way of doing research, education and innovation. CBL is a pedagogical approach through which students are actively involved in identifying, analyzing and designing a solution that solves a challenge on current problems and real issues (Tecnologico de Monterrey, 2015).

The learning experience is multidisciplinary, includes stakeholders' perspectives and aims to collaboratively find a sustainable solution from an economic, social and environmental point of view (Kohn Rådberg et al. 2018).

Students define the problems they want to work on, build their team and acquire the knowledge and skills needed to solve the challenge.
Professors are guides rather than experts: they are facilitators of the process of constructing questions, gathering information, analyzing data, proposing solutions and implementing the final result.

The workshop intends to disseminate the challenge-based approach within the university and involve as many professors and researchers as possible to "adopt" this innovative teaching method which entails numerous advantages for teachers and students.
Challenge-Based Learning is a teaching method increasingly used in the university environment and appreciated by the stakeholders network with which the universities collaborate. The speakers will present the different applications of Challenge-Based Learning that are already being tested at UniTrento and in ECIU universities, as well as further innovative teaching experiences.
The workshop will be held in English.


Registration requiredonline registration
The participants will receive a Zoom link to join the meeting.


16.00 – Opening and moderation​ 

  • Paola Iamiceli – Vice Rector for teaching at the University of Trento

16.05 – Presentation of ECIU University

  • Grazia Callovini – Head of the International Relations Division of the University of Trento and ECIU Local Ambassador

16.20 – Challenge Based Learning: unique aspects, framework and examples from the University of Twente

  • Frank van den Berg – Senior Educational Consultant, Center of Expertise in Learning & Teaching of the University of Twente (Netherlands)

16.45 – Role of students and teachers in CBL: from learning goals to assessment

  • Jorge Membrillo Hernández – Bioengineering (PhD) of Tecnológico de Monterrey (México)

17.10 – Examples of CBL at the University of Trento

  • Maurizio Marchese – Vice Rector for International Development at the University of Trento
  • Alberto Montresor – Delegate for services and information technologies of the University of Trento
  • Margherita Brunori – Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento
  • Alessandro Rossi – Chief CLab Trento

17.30 – Other innovative teaching experiences: Ca' Foscari Contamination Lab

  • Vladi Finotto – Rector's Delegate for the Transfer of Knowledge of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

17.40  Q&A with the audience and speakers
18.00 – Closure of the event
Organized in collaboration with FormID - Competence Center for enhancement and innovation in teaching and learning and CLab Trento - the interdepartmental laboratory of the University of Trento that promotes entrepreneurship education.
Alessandra Scroccaro
alessandra.scroccaro [at]

Grazia Callovini
grazia.callovini [at]

 FORMID - Centro di competenza per la formazione dei docenti e l'innovazione didattica       CLab Trento      ECIU University