
Research Integrity between scientific interests and participants’ rights

22 novembre 2022
Orario di inizio 
Organizzato da: 
Progetto INTEGRA
Comunità universitaria
Ingresso libero
Online su prenotazione
Scadenza prenotazioni: 
22 novembre 2022, 12:00
Elisabetta Pulice

Il webinar, destinato ai dottorandi e alle dottorande, ma anche ai ricercatori e alle ricercatrici, avrà la durata di circa 120 minuti e sarà in lingua inglese.

Sarà possibile seguire il webinar sia online che in presenza presso la sede del Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare, Computazionale e Integrata (CIBIO) - Aula 103.

Relatrici e relatori:

  • Manuela Basso, Associate professor, Head of the Laboratory of Transcriptional Neurobiology and neurodegenerative diseases and coordinator of the Master’s in Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology – CIBIO
  • Lucia Busatta, Assistant professor, Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology – CIBIO
  • Elisabetta Pulice, PhD, Teaching Assistant, INTEGRA Project, University of Trento


The workshop aims to create an opportunity to discuss some research integrity issues faced by scientists in research projects involving human subjects.
It is based on a concrete case study, namely a project of the CIBIO Department, whose goal is to contribute to the creation of a clinical exam that makes it possible to identify early neurodegeneration.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a devastating neurodegenerative condition that leads to the loss of motor neurons. These cells are responsible for the movement of the skeletal muscles and their loss leads to progressive motor impairment, disability and ultimately death. The diagnosis occurs after a long path of clinical exams. The disability can be sudden, impacting tremendously on the patients' life. As researchers, we aim to validate our results obtained in ALS models on human samples.
In this workshop we will discuss how scientists should approach clinicians, request the authorization to use human biofluids and tissues, and handle the interaction with families and patients particularly when communicating our research.
The protection of participants will therefore provide an interesting perspective from which to discuss the role of scientific research in improving knowledge and health, the link between research integrity and research quality, as well as the needs and difficulties of researchers in this field and the potential tools to address these challenges.

16:30 – Introduction

  • Elisabetta Pulice, PhD, Teaching Assistant, INTEGRA Project, University of Trento

16:45 – Case -study

  • Manuela Basso, Associate professor, Head of the Laboratory of Transcriptional Neurobiology and neurodegenerative diseases and coordinator of the Master’s in Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology – CIBIO

17:30 – Discussion

18:00 – Concluding remarks

  • Lucia Busatta, Assistant professor, Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology - CIBIO