Tour / Visita guidata

Apple breeding program: practical examples of research and development at Griba

Seminario rivolto agli studenti del corso di laurea magistrale in Agrifoodi Innovation Management
28 novembre 2022
Orario di inizio 
Vivaio Griba a Nogara (VR)
Organizzato da: 
prof. Michele Perazzolli
Comunità studentesca UniTrento
Su invito
dott. Antonio dal Rì

This seminar includes a technical visit with ‘learning by doing’ activities on the breeding program of apple plants developed at Griba, with particular attention to new cultivar development according to market requirements. Methods of classical apple breeding will be described and results of the recent programs will be shown in the experimental orchard. The second part of the seminar will provide better details on propagation methods, grafting, and treatments of apple plants in a nursery to obtain well-structured plants. Technical aspects of hormonal treatments and fertirrigation will be shown in the nursery fields.