Sulfur chemistry in wine science: the good, the bad, and the unknown

21 maggio 2021
21 maggio 2021

21 maggio 2021 - ore: 8:30-10:30

  • Sulfur chemistry in wine science: the good, the bad, and the unknown
    prof. Bruno Fedrizzi, Associate professor of Analytical Chemistry and Wine Science at The University of Auckland (New Zealand)

Wine aroma chemistry is complex, varied and still poorly understood. Amongst the chemical classes present in wine, sulfur-containing molecules are arguably one of the most interesting classes of metabolites studied these day.
Sulfur compounds only account for a small percentage of the wine chemical profile. On the other hand they play a key contribution to wine aroma (both good and bad). For this reason, wine sulfur chemistry has been studied for more than 50 years and to this day we still don’t fully understand how they are produced and how they interconvert into one another.
In this lecture we will explore some of the literature on sulfur chemistry, starting from H2S, the smallest and foulest sulfur molecule, and finish with the polysulfides, a class of metabolites recently discovered in wine. We will consider how yeast-produced sulfur compounds can both positively and negatively influence wine aroma and how winemaking technology can influence the production and accumulation of these molecules.

Prof. Bruno Fedrizzi is currently Associate Prof of Analytical Chemistry and Wine Science at The University of Auckland (New Zealand). Bruno is serving as the Deputy Head of School, in the School of Chemical Sciences and the Food Science Theme Leader in the Faculty of Science of the same University. Bruno has published more than 100 research publications, technical communications and industry reports. He recently won the Young Scientist award of the Agricultural and Food Chemistry division of the American Chemical Society and serves on several industry and academic advisory and leadership teams.


Seminario riservato agli studenti 2 anno, corso di laurea in viticoltura ed enologia, Enologia 1 - Tecnica Enologica