Conferenza / Incontro
Resilience in the Post-COVID-19 World Disorder
Cattedre Jean Monnet “The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience” e “Politics Without a Centre”
9 giugno 2022
10 giugno 2022
11 giugno 2022
Palazzo di Sociologia - Via Verdi 26, Trento
Organizzato da:
Centro Jean Monnet e Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale
Comunità universitaria
Prenotazione obbligatoria
Email per prenotazione:
Scadenza prenotazioni:
8 giugno 2022, 12:00
0461 283473
9 June 2022
15.00–15.15 Welcome and Introduction
- Roberto Belloni, University of Trento
- Vincent Della Sala, University of Trento
15.15 -16.45 Resilience as an analytical and conceptual tool
- David Chandler, University of Westminster - Thought’s Journey to the End of the World
- Jonathan Joseph, University of Bristol and Prof. Luca Mavelli, University of Kent - COVID-19, resilience and the limits of governance from a distance
- Eugenio Cusumano, University of Leiden - Bridging Concept or Conceptual Stretch? The Constructive Ambiguity of Resilience
16.45-17.15 Coffee break
17.15-19.00 The EU and Resilience
- Kateryna Pishchikova, Università eCampus - Rethinking Resilience Inside-out and Bottom Up: Grassroots resilience in the Eastern Partnership
- Styliani Ladi, Queen Mary University of London - Crisis and Resilience: Lesson Drawing from the Eurozone and Covid-19 Crises
- Alina Felder, University of Bamberg, and Nils Stockmann, Universität Münster - Is Resilience the New Competitiveness? How the pandemic awakened dormant norm collisions in EU sectoral policies
20.00 Dinner
10 June 2022
9.00–10.45 Resilience and public policy
- Francesca Frassineti, University of Bologna and dott.ssa Giulia Sciorati, ISPI - By Hook or by Crook: Dimensions of “Moral Performance” in China and South Korea’s Fight Against Covid
- Jouni Kekäle, University of Eastern Finland and Romulo Pinheiro, University of Agder - The ever-increasing expectation on social impact - Resilient responses by some leading professors?
- Maria Laura Frigotto, University of Trento, Mitchell Young, Charles University, and Romulo Pinheiro - Unpacking the regulative dimension of social behavior: A preliminary inquiry on the interplay between rules, time, and resilience
10.45-11.15 – Coffee Break
11.15 -12.30 – Resilience and Institutions
Francesca Cerutti. University of Milano - The Dark Side of Institutional Cooperation: Resilience and decline
Brian Nussbaum, State University of New York at Albany - What is Resilience in the Smart City? Understanding Cyber Risk Management in the Computerized Urban Environment
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.00–15.00 Concluding Discussion and Next steps
19.30 Dinner
11 June 2022
9.00–11.00 Closed meeting to discuss research collaboration (Centro Jean Monnet)