Laboratorio / Workshop

Two-day Workshop Analyses with Longitudinal Data

8 aprile 2022
6 maggio 2022
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo Piomarta - Corso Bettini 84, Rovereto
Organizzato da: 
Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive
Comunità universitaria
Ingresso libero con prenotazione
Scadenza prenotazioni: 
15 marzo 2022, 23:59
Enrico Perinelli;

The Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science (University of Trento) will host a two-day workshop titled «Analyses with Longitudinal Data».
The workshop will be held by Professor Jason T. Newsom thanks to a U.S. Fulbright Scholar Award.

Jason T. Newsom is Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Portland State University, Oregon (USA)
He is expert in the fields of Quantitative Psychology and Health Psychology. 
He has published methodological and substantive articles in leading academic journals, such as Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Psychology and Aging, and Health Psychology, as well as a book titled Longitudinal structural equation modeling: A comprehensive introduction (2015, Routledge)

Day 1 – Friday 8th April 2022, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (lunch break: 1-2p.m.)
Longitudinal Analysis

This workshop includes an in-depth discussion of a wide range of analyses for longitudinal research design in psychology and the social sciences, from traditional analyses to growth curve models. An applied approach focusing on statistical concepts and applications rather than a mathematical approach is used, although some discussion of statistical equations will be included. Topics include rationale and advantages of longitudinal research, definitions of stability and change, analysis of pretest-posttest designs with ANCOVA vs. repeated measures ANOVA, regression analysis for two time points—controlling for the dependent variable at Time 1 vs. difference scores, categorical data analysis issues, and growth curve models. Analyses will be illustrated in R but examples in HLM (for multilevel analysis) and SPSS also will be included. Prior knowledge of multiple regression analysis is expected. 

Day 2 – Friday 6th May 2022, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (lunch break: 1-2p.m.)
Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling

This workshop covers some of the most common structural equation models (SEM) for analyzing data from longitudinal studies in psychology and the social sciences. An applied approach focusing on statistical concepts and applications rather than a mathematical approach is used, although some discussion of statistical equations will be included. Topics include: cross-lagged panel models, longitudinal mediation, linear and non-linear latent growth curve models, and latent difference score models. Some discussion of SEM with categorical variables will be included. Each topic will include a discussion of the goals of the analysis, comparisons with other longitudinal analyses, and illustrations with real data using R and Mplus software programs. Participants are expected to have prior knowledge of multiple regression, basic structural equation models, including path analysis, latent variables, fit testing, and some experience with software applications in any structural modeling package. 

How to participate:

The workshop is open to PhD student and Postdoctoral Researcher of University of Trento; PhD student and Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology from other universities; Researchers from University of Trento or from other universities.

Registration is required.

Maximum number of participations: 18

In case of surplus of requests, preferred criteria will be:
1.    Being a PhD student of University of Trento
2.    Being a Postdoctoral Researcher of University of Trento
3.    Being a PhD student in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology from other universities
4.    Being a Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology from other universities

Scientific Committee:

Franco Fraccaroli, Lorenzo Avanzi, Michela Vignoli, Enrico Perinelli
Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Trento


Edited by: Staff Comunicazione Polo di Rovereto

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