Career building
Date and time: Friday, 18 October 2019 - 10:00-12:00
Venue: Room 5 – Palazzo Piomarta - Corso Bettini, 84 - Rovereto
Doctoral Course of Cognitive Science - PhD Workshop
Within the MIUR programme framework “Dipartimenti di Eccellenza”
Speaker: Michelle Ryan - University of Exeter, UK
Scientific coordinator: Maria Paola Paladino
Registration is required: please send e-mail to phd.dipsco [at] with the subject "Career building Workshop"
Michelle Ryan will talk briefly about her own career, and how it has shaped, and been shaped by, her own research on gender and leadership, identity, ambition, role models, and impostor syndrome. There will be plenty of time for a Question and Answer session, where you can ask whatever you want about how to build your career.
Michelle Ryan is a Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology. She is involved in a number of research projects. She currently holds a European Research Council Consolidator Grant examining the way in which context and identity shape and constrain women's career choices (with Thekla Morgenroth, Chris Begeney, and Renata Bongiorno) . With Alex Haslam, she has uncovered the phenomenon of the glass cliff, whereby women (and members of other minority groups) are more likely to be placed in leadership positions which are risky or precarious. Research into the glass cliff was short listed for the Times Higher Education Supplement Research Project of the Year in 2005 and was named by the New York Times as one of the ideas that shaped 2008. Click the link for a brief video introduction to the glass cliff and to learn more about Michelle Ryan research.