Resilient Ecological Design Strategies
31 gennaio 2015
January 31st, 2015
Communication and Events Service - University of Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento, Italy
+39 0461 283225 - 5353
+39 0461 281392

Bozen KlimaHouse

h. 14.30 Sala Elena Walch, Hotel Sheraton

International seminar promoted and organized by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering

At the beginning of the Nineties, during the international summit in Rio de Janeiro, the world was confronted the unquestionable consequences that the increasing use of resources, the explosion of greenhouse gas levels and the growing pollution were going to have on the environment and on the human population. Today these threats have reached alarming levels. To the constant increase of the worldwide population and the deepening of the gap between rich and poor are added the insatiable hunger for resources and the climate changing more and more rapidly. In order to promote a sustainable development, it is essential to reconcile social equity, ecologic awareness and economic efficiency. However, it is essential to act as soon as possible. There is no time to lose. It is time to act decisively on the global level.

R.E.D.S. moves to the Alps, in the Trentino - Alto Adige Region where there is a constant research to limit the environmental impact of humans activities in the territory through a well-established and growing attention to the issues of sustainability, energy efficiency and recycling. The “KlimaHouse” Fair in Bolzano becomes the active place where to discuss and experiment a new concept of sustainability. The international seminar R.E.D.S.2ALPS is opened to professionals and young researchers from both research and practice fields. The Seminar will address the issue of changing paradigms and tools in the design disciplines in order to define new proposals for the research approach, education and experimental practices of architecture.

The international seminar will be held in Bolzano on Saturday, January 31, 2015 and is organized in a single session led by six lectures of scholars, designers, researchers at international level (Keynote Speaker), who will offer their experience and their vision. 

Keynote Speakers:

  • Maria Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo (Università di Trento - cattedra Libera 2014/2015)
  • Gerhard Hausladen (Technische Universität München)
  • Michael Jakob (HEPIA-EPFL)
  • Areti Markopoulou (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia)
  • Charles Waldheim (Harvard Graduate School of Design)

Scientific Coordination:
reds2alps [at] unitn.it 

in order to register see the link on your right.
Please note that PhD students can not choose the "students fee".
Employees of Italian public Institutions can choose the reduced fee if their participation is included in the cases provided for by art. 14, paragraph 10 of Italian Law 547/1993 (payments made by PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS for training, updating, upgrading and retraining of personnel, pursuant to art. 10 paragraph 20 of Italian DPR 633/72) and is exempt from VAT. Remember to send us the corresponding form completely filled and signed.

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