Fault Tolerant Routing and Control for Software Defined Metasurfaces
HyperSurfaces (HSFs) consist of structurally reconfigurable metasurfaces whose electromagnetic properties can be changed via a software interface, using an embedded miniaturized network of controllers. Such HSFs enable novel capabilities in wireless communications, rendering them well established by now as a candidate technology for 6G applications. With the HSF controllers, interconnected in an irregular, Manhattan-like geometry, we propose, develop and evaluate a robust, deterministic Fault-Tolerant (FT), deadlock- and livelock-free routing protocol that is able to deliver software directives to connected network controllers in the presence of multiple failing nodes. The proposed FT protocol can support an unbounded number of faulty nodes as long as nodes outside faulty blocks are connected. Complementing the HSF with a set of layered protocols and an Application Programming Interface allows for its real time adaptation for autonomous operation without human intervention. Towards this goal feedback based control algorithms have been designed with demonstrated effectiveness in the presence of feedback delays and moving targets. Our most recent workings on the use of metasurfaces in vehicular networking and data-centers will also be briefly introduced.
Marios Lestas received the B.A and M.Eng degrees in Electrical and Information Engineering from the University of Cambridge U.K and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California in 2000 and 2006 respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics of the School of Engineering at Frederick University. His research interests include application of non-linear control theory and optimization methods in Intelligent Networks such as Computer Networks, Transportation Networks, Power Networks, Molecular Nano-networks and Metasurfaces. In the aforementioned networks he has investigated issues pertinent to congestion control, information dissemination, network vulnerability, demand response and more recently privacy and security.