Cycle seminars by Olev Martens - II day

11 aprile 2018
April 11, 2018
DII - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Povo, Trento
+39 0461 282500 - 2503
fax +39 0461 281977

Venue: Seminar Room, h. 9:00 – 13:00, Polo scientifico-tecnologico Fabio Ferrari – via Sommarive 9 - Trento

  • Olev Martens -  Tallinn University of Technology

Topic 3: Precise geometrical measurements from the images

Lecture is addressing the questions - how to convert a camera and laser or dual-(stereo-) camera system and specially developed piece of software into the precise optical measurement solution, including the aspects of the calibration, modeling of the non-idealities of the camera, drafting the software (e.g. by using the OpenCV freeware libraries).  Also, alternatives for 3D measurements on the market, like Kinect sensors, are discussed.

Topic 4: Introduction to Real-Time Embedded Systems

  • Requirements to the hardware and software to Real-Time Embedded Systems are described, in the context of instrumentation, signal and image processing and IoT aplications.
  • Possible processor platforms are characterized, on the Texas Instruments’ portfolio example (from low-power MSP430/432 to multicore VLIW Keystone DSPs, including the standard 32-bit ARMs) and real-time development tools.
  • Practical aspects, about how to develop the real-life real-time solutions are discussed.

Biosketch: Olev Märtens has born in Tallinn, Estonia, 1960. He has an engineering diploma of electronics (CUM LAUDE) from 1983, PhD from 2000, both degrees from Tallinn University of Technology (TTU). He has experience in the R&D of electronics: engineering of precise AC instrumentation (1980-s) at the Design Office of the Tallinn Radio Factory RET, in SMEs (1990-s) and from 2000 being senior- and lead researcher and now as professor at Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics, TTU. He has participated in several EU and national projects. He is author on tens of technical papers and inventions and practical solutions of wide range of electronic in the fields of signal and image processing, test&measurement (T&M) & instrumentation. One interest is R&D of impedance based solutions and applications, incl the eddy current based measurements. He is a member of the IEEE and it's Instrumentation and Measurement Society from 1999 and of IEEE Signal Processing Society from 2017. He has participated in the Texas Instrument’s European University Program from 1990-s, promoting the DSP-based technologies for T&M. CV at ETIS: