Leading millions of consumers with data science
Hour: 13.00 - 14.00 pm
Venue: Room A204, Polo scientifico e tecnologico "Fabio Ferrari", Building Povo 1, Via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento)
Prof. Alberto Montresor - Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI)
- Giovanni Gaglione, co-founder and CTO of Wonderflow
Company: Wonderflow
Most companies are not ready to understand the immense amount of customer feedback available in the new digital era and that can be used to speed up growth.
In this talk Wonderflow will present their service as a real example of data science application and will share learnings made while working with 15 global clients, that are essential for anyone who wants to start a career in data science.
About the Speaker
Giovanni Gaglione is co-founder and CTO of Wonderflow - a global provider for consumer feedback analytics.
After his studies in computer science, innovation and sentiment analysis in Rome, while working for web agencies, he co-founded Wonderflow and grew the company through international operations. Today Wonderflow have clients in Europe and US, a growing team of 10 people, and provide brands with consumer insights from 4 continents that contribute to the decisions making in marketing, product development and research.
For more information, please contact comm.disi [at] unitn.it