Deep Learning into the Sports Industry

Wednesday's @DISI Industrial Workshops
26 settembre 2018
26 settembre 2018

Hour: 13.30 to 14.30 pm
Venue: Via Sommarive 5 - Polo Ferrari 1 (Povo, TN) - Room A103


  • Prof. Nicu Sebe



In recent years several industries have been transformed through a massive digitalisation of all processes. The Sports Industry is one of the most incredible fields where digitalisation changed everything: from ticketing to fan engagement, from training to players' transfers. Nowadays we are looking at a massive new change that is powered by the recent advancement in Deep Learning, thanks to the increased computational power and new technologies.
Our aim today is to list all recent progress and, together, highlight potential new scenarios where DeepLearning can empower a new wave of radical changes in the Sports Industry.

For more information, please contact comm.disi [at]


Deep Learning into the Sports Industry @DISI