Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

14 aprile 2015
14 Aprile, 2015

Categories: Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

Time: 14:30 - 15:30
Location: Meeting Room Ofek, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico "Fabio Ferrari" (Building Povo 1), via Sommarive 5 - Povo, Trento


  • Prof. Phil Blunsom
    University of Oxford and Google

Vector space models of word meaning have achieved a great deal of success across a range of natural language processing applications. Recently researchers have begun to focus on how to compose distributed representations learnt at the word level into practical representations of larger units such as sentences and documents. In this talk I will survey recent research from the Oxford Computational Linguistics Group applying advances in Deep Learning to tasks requiring compositional models of sentence meaning. I will present results showing that generic tools such as neural language models and convolution networks can be combined to build models of question answering, dialogue processing, and machine translation.

About the Speaker:
Phil Blunsom divides his time between managing the Computational Linguistics Group at the University of Oxford and the NLP group at Google DeepMind London. His current interests are at the intersection of machine learning and natural language understanding.

Contact Person Regarding this Talk: Alessandro Moschitti, moschitti [at]