From Online Crime to Threat Analysis

21 aprile 2015
21 Aprile, 2015

Time: 10:00AM
Location: Meeting Room Ofek - Polo scientifico e Tecnologico "Fabio Ferrari" (Edificio Povo 1)
Povo 1: via Sommarive 5 – Povo, Trento

  • Federico Maggi, 
    Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Terms such as "online crime" or "cyber crime" are enjoying great popularity in the news and keeping journalists busy, chasing the next big story. In this seminar I look at cyber crime from different angles, which include the financial perspective (e.g., fraudulent bank transactions), the technological perspective (e.g., botnet network activity, man-in-the-browser activity), and the user perspective (e.g., ransomware attacks), focusing on the various building blocks used by cyber criminals to conduct their business. For each building block I will offer the point of view of my research, proposing one way to detect the suspicious activities generated on the systems involved in the cyber crime scheme.

About the Speaker

Federico Maggi is a Assistant Professor at Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano in Italy, working at the NECST Laboratory. Specifically, his research interests are in analysis of malicious activity, Internet measurements and mobile malware. He is also actively involved in research projects funded by the European Union.
During his Doctorate he studied and made contributions in the field of intrusion detection: he developed and tested anomaly-based tools to mitigate Internet threats by (1) avoiding their spread via vulnerable web applications, (2) detecting unexpected activities in the operating system’s kernel (sing of malware infections or compromised processes), and (3) dealing with high number of alerts using alert correlation.
Federico is instructor of the graduate-level course of computer security at Politecnico di Milano and has been invited in several venues to give lectures about his research work.

Contact Person Regarding this Talk: Fabio Massacci, Fabio.Massacci [at]

Additional Notes: Come to @dimva2015 on July, 9-10, Milan, Italy!
#infosec #security #cfp