OpenVLC: Visible Light Communication for Embedded Systems

23 aprile 2015
Giovedì 23 Aprile, 2015

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Meeting Room Garda,- Polo scientifico e Tecnologico "Fabio Ferrari" (Edificio Povo 1)
Povo 1: via Sommarive 5 – Povo, Trento

  • Daniele Puccinelli, Senior Research Scientist
    Institute for Information Systems and Networking University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)

Because of the massive uptake of solid state lighting, LEDs are becoming ubiquitous. Aside from their superior energy efficiency compared to traditional lighting sources, LEDs also double as communication devices through Visible Light Communication, a promising technology that offers an appealing complement to radio in the face of the looming spectrum crunch. A rich and active research community has developed in recent years to pursue the goal of achieving higher data rates through sophisticated physical layer solutions, but the low end of the design space, which would be of interest to networked embedded systems, has received little attention. In this talk we illustrate how we wish to make Visible Light Communication appealing for networked embedded systems research by lowering the barriers to entry to non-VLC experts with OpenVLC, an open, flexible research platform that we hope will contribute to build a community at the intersection of Visible Light Communicat  ion and networked embedded systems.

About the Speaker

Daniele Puccinelli is a senior research scientist at the Networking Laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. His research interests lie in the fields of low-power wireless, resource-constrained networking, and opportunistic communication and computing. He was presented the Best Demo Award at IEEE WoWMoM ’09. He was the Program Chair for the IEEE WoWMoM ’09 Ph.D. and Work In Progress Forum and the IEEE PerCom workshop PerSeNS ’10. He also co-founded and co-organized the IEEE PerCom PerMoby workshop on pervasive mobility and served as the Program Co-Chair for its first two editions in 2012 and 2013. He is serving as the Program Co-Chair of AOC 2013. 

Contact person regarding this talk: Prof. Gian Pietro Picco,