Natural Language Understanding: Instructions for (Present and Future) Use

3 dicembre 2018
3 dicembre 2018

Date & Time: December 3rd, 2018, h. 14:00-15:00
Venue: Via Sommarive 5 - Polo Ferrari 1 (Povo, TN) - Room Garda


  • Prof. Roberto Navigli, Sapienza University of Rome


In this talk I will look at Natural Language Understanding, an area of Natural Language Processing aimed at making sense of text, through the lens of a visionary future: what do we expect a machine should be able to understand? and what are the key dimensions that require the attention of researchers to make this dream come true? I will also describe some results (and mention ongoing research) from my group at Sapienza which go in this direction

About the Speaker 

Roberto Navigli is Professor of Computer Science at the Sapienza University of Rome, where he heads the multilingual Natural Language Processing group. He was awarded the Marco Somalvico 2013 AI*IA Prize for the best young researcher in AI. He is one of the few European researchers to have received two ERC grants in computer science (2011-2016, 2017-2022). He was also a co-PI of a Google Focused Research Award on NLP. In 2015 he received the META prize for groundbreaking work in overcoming language barriers with BabelNet, a project also highlighted in The Guardian and Time magazine, and winner of the Artificial Intelligence Journal prominent paper award 2017. Based on the success of BabelNet and its multilingual disambiguation technology, he co-founded Babelscape, a Sapienza startup company which enables Natural Language Processing in hundreds of languages.

Contact: Prof. fausto.giunchiglia [at] (Fausto Giunchiglia )