Embodied human-computer interactions during musical performance
DISI Seminar
17 dicembre 2019
17 dicembre 2019
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Venue: Via Sommarive 5 - Polo Ferrari 1 (Povo, TN), room A105
- Dr. Balandino Di Donato, Lecturer in Creative Computing - University of Leicester, Department of Informatics
Thi seminar will focus on the application of Human-Computer Interaction principles to Music, so to encourage a natural and embodied interaction with interactive audiovisual software during performance. During the lecture will be presented different commercial technologies, commonly used in industrial applications, gaming and VR applications, and how these have been transformed into musical instruments through a User-Centered Design process and by taking advantage of Interactive-Machine Learning.
Contact:luca.turchet [at] unitn.it ( Luca Turchet)