On the effective cone of (P^n) blown-up at (n+3) points

Seminario congiunto: Dipartimento di Matematica - Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Matematica
20 gennaio 2015
20 gennaio 2015

Luogo: Dipartimento di Matematica, via Sommarive, 14 - Povo (TN) - Aula Seminari
Ore 14:00


  • Olivia Dumitrescu (Leibniz Universita ̈t Hannover)
  • Elisa Postinghel (KU Leuven)
Partecipanti al Programma Research in paris del CIRM

We start with an overview on Interpolation Problems. In particular, we study linear systems of hypersurfaces of a fixed degree passing through a collection of (n+3) general points with assigned multiplicities.
We prove that the rational normal curve of degree n passing through the points, its secant varieties and joins with linear subspaces are cycles of their base locus and we compute their multiplicity.
This yelds a conjectural formula for the dimension of such linear systems, completing a conjecture in the commutative algebra setting due to Froeberg-Iarrobino. We compute the facets of the effective and movable cones of divisors on blown-up projective spaces.

This is joint work with M. C. Brambilla and E. Postinghel

Referente: Marco Andreatta