
The Convening Capacity of Science

Seminary with Brian Brophy
21 novembre 2023
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo di Sociologia - Via Verdi 26, Trento
Aula 5, piano terra
Comunità universitaria
Ingresso libero con prenotazione
Ufficio Eventi

Why should we care about science? How can different audiences embrace the story of science into their own life-story? What is trustworthy science and how do we perform it through the media, the universities, the knowledge commons? The talk-action will focus on the need to unite communities through art with science to imagine new futures for heightened meaningful interactions and research. 

This event is part of the Teatro della Meraviglia's programme. For further information visit the website

Please note that the event will be held in Room 5 instead of Kessler Room. 

Brian Brophy

Brian Brophy is the Director of Caltech Theater, Story Coach at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for Missions Trident (Probe to Triton),Veritas (Orbiter to Venus), co-creator of Credible Messenger Training with JPL’s Story Architect Paul Propster, Fulbright Scholar to India and twenty-five-year veteran actor in the film/TV/theater industry. A Scholar in Residence at the Indian Institute of Technology (IITGN), Yale-NUS Singapore Artist in Residence, a multi-recipient of the California Arts Council/Culture Affairs Department Artist in Community grants and recipient of a George Soros Foundation funding award for a theater project in Bosnia. During the Covid years of 2020-2023 Brophy facilitated online scientific storytelling workshops and digital lifestyle training with members of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena, California) and Caltech community.