
BEC Seminar: "Finite-Temperature electron-vibrational problems: Tensor-Train methodologies in closed and open system approaches"

25 gennaio 2024
Orario di inizio 
Aula seminari grande - Palazzina B - Via alla Cascata 56 C
Organizzato da: 
Dr. Carlos Leonardo Benavides Riveros
Comunità universitaria
Ingresso libero
Conference e-mail
Prof. Raffaele Borrelli - University of Torino


Non-Equilibrium Thermo-Field Dynamics (NETFD) is as alternative formulation of quantum statistical mechanics, completely equivalent to the commonly used density matrix approach, that enables the development of finite-temperature of quantum dynamical electron-vibrational models. In this talk I will present NETFD concepts, and show how they can be extended and integrated with Tensor-Train (TT) based numerical tools leading to a novel and powerful theoretical and computational
framework for the study of complex quantum dynamical problems. Furthermore, NETFD techniques can be extended to treat truly dissipative open systems via the Hierarchical Equations of Motion (HEOM) approach using TT methodologies.
The combination of the TFD machinery with computational advantages of TTs results in a powerful theoretical and computational framework for scrutinizing dynamics of complex multidimensional electron- vibrational systems. The validity and the computational advantages of the developed methodologies is illustrated by applying them to the study of quantum coherence effects in the energy-transfer processes, to the analysis of fingerprints of vibrational modes in electron-transfer and charge- transfer processes in various model and realistic multidimensional molecular systems, as well as to simulation of other fundamental models of physical chemistry.


Prof. Raffaele Borrelli - University of Torino

Comitato organizzatore

Dr. Carlos Leonardo Benavides Riveros


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This initiative is part of the European projects:


"Funded by the European Union under GA n°101065295 - RDMFTforbosons. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or The European Research Executive Agency.  Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them."


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