Nanoscience Laboratory Kick Off Meeting
The annual meeting of the Nanoscience Laboratory
24 novembre 2017
24 November 2017
Venue: Polo Scientifico Tecnologico “Fabio Ferrari” (Povo 1 building), via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento) - Room A221
The meeting aims at making the point of the research activities and to pave the to the future research programs.
Four research teams, formed by the scientist of Nanoscience Laboratory, will present the state of the art of the research in nanoscience and photonics.
14.00-14.10 | Welcome Lorenzo Pavesi University of Trento, Department of Physics |
14.10-15.00 | ELEDIA Research Center - Research Trends, Current Activities, and Future Applications Andrea Massa Eledia and University of Trento, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science |
15.00-15.30 | Interactive talk by the Integrated Quantum Photonics team Stefano Biasi, Massimo Borghi, Alessandro Trenti University of Trento, Nanoscience Laboratory |
15.30-16.00 | Interactive talk by the Nonlinear Silicon Photonics team Claudio Castellan, Pierre Guilleme, Stefano Signorini, Chiara Vecchi University of Trento, Nanoscience Laboratory |
16.00-17.00 | Long-Term Memory Retrevial Requires Synaptic Glia for Protein Recycling Marco Canossa University of Trento, Centre for Integrative Biology |
17.00-17.30 | Coffee Break |
17.30-18.00 | Interactive talk by the Nano-materials team Marina Scarpa, Paolo Bettotti, Cecilia Ada Maestri, Chiara Piotto University of Trento, Nanoscience Laboratory |
18.00-18.30 | Interactive talk by the Applied Silicon Photonics team Davide Bazzanella, Tatevik Chalyan, Giorgio Fontana, Sara Piccione, Stefano Tondini University of Trento, Nanoscience Laboratory |
The meeting is open to the public and the participation is free of charge.
For more information please see the box Contacts (at the top right corner) and the Nanoscience Laboratory website
Meeting organized by
Within the following research projects
In collaboration with