From super-resolution to high-throughput Brillouin microscopy at CLNS (Center for Life NanoScience)
15 gennaio 2019
15 January 2019 - 14.30
Dipartimento di Fisica, Segreteria
via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo (Trento)
+39 0461 281504 - 1575 - 2042 - 1545
+39 0461 281696
Venue: Room A208, Polo Ferrari 1
At: 14.30
- Prof. Giancarlo Ruocco - CLNS-IIT, Director, and Dept. of Physics -Sapienza University of Rome
First, I will briefly present an overview of the Italian Institute of Technology activities and its main figures. Then I will discuss in more details the activities of the Rome’ branch of the IIT, the Center for Life NanoScience, including the more recent developments and projects.
These are mostly oriented toward the development of new tools for imaging, tissue engineering, iPSC expansion, drug delivery, etc.
Particularly attention will be devoted to a new super-resolution microscopy technique, to the high throughput Brillouin microscopy and to animal-based biosensors.