The Roadmap to Fusion Energy

10 aprile 2019
10 April 2019
Dipartimento di Fisica, Segreteria
via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo (Trento)
+39 0461 281504 - 1575 - 2042 - 1545
+39 0461 281696

Venue: Room A204, Polo Ferrari 1

At: 14.30

  • Prof. Vanni Antoni - CNR Istituto Gas Ionizzanti - Padova


Nuclear Fusion promises a clean and virtually unlimited source of energy. The international community is committed to the construction of ITER, the experiment based on the Tokamak concept and aimed to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of a nuclear fusion reactor. In the first part of the colloquium, after a brief introduction to the physics of the nuclear fusion processes, the main characteristics and issues of the ITER project will be described. The European programme aimed to tackle those issues will be illustrated with special emphasis to the Italian contribution. In the second part of the colloquium the physics and technology of the main auxiliary heating system foreseen for ITER, i.e. the Neutral Beam Injection system, will be described with a focus on the progress at the related Test facility under completion at the CNR Research Area of Padova.

application/pdfColloquia prof. Antoni - 10 april 2019(PDF | 762 KB)