
Min-max construction of minimal surfaces with contact angle conditions

30 novembre 2022
Orario di inizio 
PovoZero - Via Sommarive 14, Povo (Trento)
Physics Seminar room” – Department of Physics
Comunità universitaria
Online su prenotazione
Email per prenotazione: 
Marchese Andrea

Venue: Physics Seminar room – Department of Physics
Time: 9:30 am

Luigi De Masi - Università degli Studi di Padova

Existence and regularity of minimal surfaces (i.e. stationary points for area functional) with various boundary conditions has been an active topic of research for the last decades. Although minimizing methods usually provide existence of solutions for some kinds of boundary constraints, they may produce just trivial solutions when dealing with different topological/boundary conditions; in that cases, one has to rely on different ways to obtain a critical point for the given functional. Min-max methods have been successfully used for some of these problems.

Contact person: Andrea Marchese