Conferenza / Incontro

Graduate Student Conference 2024

PhD Research proposals presentation
1 ottobre 2024
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Room 005
Ingresso libero

Evaluation Committee:

  • Mauro Caselli,
  • Stefano Palestini,
  • Anna Casaglia


14:00 - 14:30 

PhD student: Bob Kasper J  Mertens 
Supervisor: Emanuele Massetti (UNITN), Co-Supervisor: Frank Caestecker (UGhent, BE)
Title: From Harmonization to Divergence: Evaluating the Impact of Bureaucracies on Asylum Decision-Making in Europe

14:30 – 15:00 

PhD student: Giovanni Tommaso Roberto 
Supervisor:  Matteo Borzaga (UNITN), Co-Supervisor: Louisa Parks (UNITN) 
Title: Southern Blights: Irregular Work in the Southern Italy Tomato Supply Chain and the CS3D

15:00 - 15:30 

PhD student: Valeria Estefania Romano    
Supervisor: Giacomo Pallante (UNITN), Co-Supervisor: Ester Gallo (UNITN)
Title: Colonial Legacies and The Path to Development: The Impacts of Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Reducing Poverty and Inequality in El Petén, Guatemala

15:30 - 16:00

PhD student: Sandro Nicolas Schraudolph
Supervisor:  Stefano Palestini (UNITN), Co-Supervisor: Mario Quaranta (UNITN)
Title: Bringing the War Home. Domestic Backlash to International Conflict

16:00 - 16:30

PhD student: Chiara Serioli    
Supervisor:  Jens Woelk (UNITN) Co-Supervisor: Sondra Faccio (UNITN)
Title: Language and Power.  A Socio-Legal Comparison of Indigenous Political Rights

16:30 - 17:00

PhD student: Daniele Stracquadanio
Supervisor:  Paolo Foradori (UNITN) Co-Supervisor: Stefano Benati (UNITN)
Title: Thawing and Stable Intrastate Frozen Conflicts: Understanding Evolutionary Dynamics and Pathways to Resolution