
Euregio Economics Meeting 2024

12 settembre 2024
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo di Economia - Via Inama 5, Trento
Aula 1C
Organizzato da: 
Dipartimento di Economia e Management
Comunità universitaria
Su invito
Matteo Ploner
0461 283139
Staff Dipartimento di Economia e Management
0461 282238

The Euregio Economics Meeting is an annual meeting that brings together researchers from the Universities of Innsbruck, Bozen-Bolzano, and Trento (Europaregion/Euregio).

The event’s main goal is to promote cooperation among researchers of the Euregio area in the spirit of the Alpbach European Forum of 2013.

All the interested researchers of the Euregio Universities are invited to attend. Below, you find the program of the event.


08:30     Welcome

09:00     Elie Murard “Us yesterday, them today: leveraging emigration history to increase pro-immigrant attitudes” - UNITN

09:30     Paolo Roberti  “Remedies to the Demand for Bad Policy” - UNIBZ

10:00     Adrian Düll  “Search Cost Estimation and Search without Priors” - UIBK

10:30     Coffee break

11:00     Michele Cascarano “Cultural bonds” - BANKITALIA

11:30     Alexander Moradi “How Africans became villains and losers.” - UNIBZ

12:00     Francesco Drago “Mafia, Politics, and Firms” - UNICT

12:40     Lunch

14:00     Anita Gantner “Strategic use of the decoy effect in bargaining” - UIBK

14:30     Enrico Zaninotto “Automation and flexible labor contracts: Firm-level evidence from Italy” - UNITN

15:00     Marco Tomasi “Climate change impacts and investments in adaptation in agricultural firms” - UNITN

15:30     Coffee break

16:00     Maria Kosolpaova “Russia-Ukraine war and market expectations: evidence from option-implied densities of European gas” - UNIBZ

16:30     Fabio Cevenini “Hot water cold cash? The impact of marine water temperature on commercial fisheries revenues” - UNITN

17:00     Alberto Parmigiani  “Income Inequality and Campaign Contributions: Evidence from the Reagan Tax Cut” - UNIBZ

17:30    Roundtable all registered participants, Collaboration opportunities - UNITN/UNIBZ/UIBK


Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento, via Vigilio Inama 5, 38122 Trento

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