The Other Side of Banking: Non-institutional Credit across Europe (17th-19th cc.)
Trento, 5-6 June 2015
Department of Economics and Management, via Inama 5, Seminar room 1 – first floor
The development of credit markets dates back to before the nineteenth-century advent of modern banking institutions. Indeed, a wide-range of credit relations originated from production, trade and consumption needs, and pervasively permeated early modern economy and society.
As a considerable amount of literature has observed over the last few decades, certain professional and commercial figures, among them notaries and merchants, played a crucial role in financial transactions, enabling the credit market to make progress and flourish despite the absence of specialized credit institutions and specific regulations. Such credit intermediaries did not cease to operate even after the creation of modern joint-stock banks: traditional financial practices and banking innovation co-habited for a long period, often complementing each other.
This workshop will bring together researchers from different parts of Europe in order to compare various forms of non-institutional credit from the seventeenth through the nineteenth century, in order to analyze their impact on local economies, and to trace the patterns of continuity and change in the transition towards modern banking.
Scientific committee:
Andrea Bonoldi (Trento), Giuseppe De Luca (Milano), Edoardo Demo (Verona), Giulio Fenicia (Bari), Andrea Leonardi (Trento), Cinzia Lorandini (Trento), Marcella Lorenzini (Trento)
Organizing committee:
Cinzia Lorandini (Trento), Marcella Lorenzini (Trento)